Central Virginia, May 16th - 18th
The Kincentric Table: Beef and Goat Harvest and Processing Class, May 2025
A Sacred and Hands-On Harvesting Class
May 16-18, 2025.
Scholarships available! Contact us to apply.
What if the husbandman became the hunter? What if the field harvest erupted as a ceremonial and kincentric art? What if becoming a 'student of your survival' emerged as a hope-filled and 'sacred reawakening' of our human form, as Earthlings?
Grief and glitter: together we will become Earthlings. Together, we will work to unbind and untether ourselves from the uncreative sciences of today and learn our humanity through the sacred gift of the field harvest.
No corrals, no cages, no fear. Using nothing but our hands and simple, human-scale tools, we will track the herd in over 100-acres of the Wildland and then harvest a Wildland bull and buck while they are yet with their herds, letting go of our control and allowing the herd's ceremony to rise and walk with us, amongst us, unabated. We will cry together. We will light fires and eat while we work, honoring and learning what we honor.
From this space, we will then work to break down a 30-day dry aged bull and aged buck that were prepared in advance without creating any waste. In place of a 60% carcass yield that is common in processing today, we will learn how to utilize 100% of the animal, our cousin, continuing to honor each ligament, each muscle, each ounce of life that is waiting to be reborn. We will also begin the tanning and hide preserving process (fleshing, salting, and more).
By the class's end, you will leave with the inner confidence and physical know-how to harvest cattle and goats at home, kincentrically.
All Students Receive
Finance options available! Contact Us to learn more.
The full class with intimate hands-on experience + 1 paperback copy of our latest book, Stagtine, and 1 year access to our online community where we can continue discussing and learning with and from each other (a $95 value)!
All meals are 100% organic, non-gmo, local, grown or produced on farm, and contain NO seed oils. Every meal is also hand prepared and made by the Wildland family, which means no pre-prepared or "stock" meals.

Lodging Options

Finer Processing
A Facility of the Past
Our educational facility was built with aesthetic thrift, hand-tools, and beauty in mind.

Field Harvesting
With The Herd
We will harvest in the field, in the open, with the herd around us. No corrals, no cages.

Field Harvesting
This is not a "harvest" class where we get to the work. Time will be taken to honor our relations.

Past Student Reviews
“The Wildland’s Kincentric Table was one of the most important and informative courses I’ve taken. I was saddened to learn how much food is wasted by our mainstream practices of animal harvesting; yet invigorated to engage in the practice myself for the proper treatment of the animal and the full use of its wonderful body.
Daniel is an incredible teacher who combines expert level guidance and instruction but remains down to earth and easy to learn from. I highly recommend taking any of Daniel’s courses! They have changed my relationship to food and farming.”
Kyle Kingsbury

Past Student Reviews
We participated in both a beef and a lamb field harvest class at the Wildland. Both were absolutely amazing. The field harvest itself provided a whole new perspective on how animals and humans should interact as part of one ecological system, the fullness of which is generally lacking in the regenerative movement. Daniel is a fantastic instructor and we left the class with the confidence we needed to do several subsequent lamb field harvests on our homestead, with a beef harvest planned for the near future.
Alexander C.

Class Schedule
May 16, Friday
4pm: Wildland Tour and Meet The Herd.
6pm: Dinner and Fire Ceremony
May 17, Saturday
6am: Harvest Goat Buck
8am: Breakfast
9:30am: Harvest Bull
12:30pm: Lunch
2pm: Finer Beef Processing
6:30pm: Dinner
May 18, Sunday
7am: Breakfast
8am: Finer Beef Processing
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Goat Processing
4pm: Goodbye
Frequently Asked Questions
If your questions are not answered below, just contact us! We are happy and excited to meet you!
Why is this class priced as such?
Most field harvesting classes and workshops are in the $2,000 range due to the fact that multiple animal's lives must be taken for the course to happen, producing great amounts of meat that must be honored and gifted away.
For us, we have reduced the cost of this course to $1,400 to make it more accessible to folks who are ready to learn and celebrate this life with us. It is priced as such to allow a limited number of students so that hands-on learning actually occurs and the intimacy remains well had.
Are meals included?
Yes! All breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are included in the ticket price! All meals are 100% organic, non-gmo, local, grown or produced on farm, and contain NO seed oils. Every meal is also hand prepared and made by the Wildland family, which means no pre-prepared or "stock" meals.
What if I do not have any previous experience?
That is no problem! This class is constructed with you in mind! No matter your previous knowledge or experience, this class is built to give you the confidence upon your leaving us to do this again in your own farm, life, etc.
All experience levels welcomed!