Earthling Education

This is about Earthlings rising up together.

The Wildland is shifting the focus from human creativity (for example, Regenerative Agriculture) in fostering “ecological resiliency” to our two and four legged cousins all around us. In place of human-centered systems, the land speaks of Earth-centered systems, where co-creation crescendos into a great symphony of kinship from the ground up.

Let's Cut The Crap

No feedlots. No antibiotics. No hormones. No grains. No preservatives. No herbicides. No pesticides. No cover-crops. No castration. No vaccinations. No fungicides. No separation or weaning. No plastic. No spot-spraying weeds. No fertilizers. No dewormers. No forced breeding. Free to roam hundreds of acres at a time. Only nature ... only pasture and forest from birth through life to death.

Learn More about the Wildland

Kincentric Rewilding


In 2024, The Wildland embarked on our latest and most exciting project to date: Kincentric Rewilding with Horses.

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Kincentric Rewilding


Are you looking to start a herd of rewilded cattle? Are you interested in growing your herd? We have both starter herds (large and small family units) and bull stock for you!

We also have provisions/meat.

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Kincentric Rewilding

Wild Goats

Are you looking to start a herd of rewilded goats? Are you interested in growing your herd? We have both starter herds (large and small family units) and buck stock for you!

We also have provisions/meat.

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Kincentric Rewilding

Woodland Chickens

"Regenerative" pastured poultry is a love affair with industrial, monocrop grains and factory hatcheries. What if chickens ranged, freely, in the woods, bred and hatched themselves, and transformed the lush Piedmont woodlands into rich nourishment throughout the process?

We have both starter herds (large and small family units) and buck stock for you!

We also have provisions/eggs.

Learn more